November 3, 2014
“Champions of Industry”, hosted by Jimmy Johnson, is developing a new segment on Disc Replacement Surgery.
Injured and degenerated spinal discs are one of the main causes of back pain in the United States. Acting like a flexible cushion between vertebrae in the spine, a damaged or weakened disc can make even the smallest movement unbearable in some patients. In order to return the spine to as normal condition as possible, many healthcare providers are turning to disc replacement surgery.
An upcoming segment of “Champions of Industry” with host Jimmy Johnson will focus on this surgical solution to back pain. Not every case of spinal pain is a candidate for surgery, but those who are often report significant improvements to their quality of life afterward. Of course, there are significant risks involved with surgery and many cases respond well to alternative treatments outside of an operation. Johnson’s segment will focus on the benefits and risks involved with disc replacement surgery to best inform viewers if this option is something they should discuss with their healthcare provider.
Champions of Industry is developed for Public Television and is not related to PBS. Please visit for more.